When you have completed the reflect stage of Future me plan, it’s time to share.
You could share your:
- experiences
- achievements
- challenges
- reflections
You can also choose to share updates on your progress towards the goals you set during the Map stage as you move forward through your Future me plan cycle.
Keeping track
A helpful way to be ready to share is to keep track of the skills and experience you have developed through your cycle of Future me plan. For activities completed through Rise you can use your Rise transcript to do this (login to Rise first). You can also share the link to your transcript as a means of sharing your achievements. For things not completed through Rise we recommend keeping notes about them in whichever format works for you.
There are some great ideas about how to record your reflections on the Reflect page, so you may want to use one or more of those suggestions as a way to record what you have done throughout your Future me plan cycle. It will help you to remember and demonstrate what you have achieved throughout your time at Manchester Met and is a great resource to draw on when you apply for internships, placements, graduate jobs, or if you apply for further study.

Sharing challenges
As well as sharing your experiences and achievements, you may also wish to share your challenges and reflections. The term ‘Fail forward‘ reminds us that ‘failing’ or facing challenges is a learning experience too, and an important part of experimenting or trying new things.
Read more about overcoming the fear of failure.
You may wish to share some of your ‘failures’ by focusing on sharing your learnings and explaining how they have improved your skills such as resilience, persistence, or courage. This sharing could inspire others too.
Watch this one-minute video of the actor Will Smith explaining why he recommends to fail early, fail often, fail forward.