What's This?
Digital Badges are a form of portable microcredential which evidences your investment in particular areas of specialism.
Your badge contains data which authenticates the achievement to you. You can download an image with this data embedded and share it via a 'backpack' (such as Badgr) or use your Rise Transcript to maintain your profile.
You should also share your badges to LinkedIn.
This credential recognises the effort the holder has has invested in developing a wide range of enterprise skills. These might include valuing ideas, creativity, taking the initiative, planning and management , and coping with ambiguity uncertainty and risk.
You can view all opportunities which support this badge below. If you’re stuck for where to start, we recommend Enterprise: Ideas, Dream Big and Enterprise: Marketing – if you complete both of these, you will earn your bronze Enterprise badge!
To Achieve a Bronze Badge You Need to Earn: