This sprint outlines the history of multilateralism and international policy that led to the creation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This is to provide context to the SDGs and outline how they are the culmination of decades of work by the global community.
The SDGs represent an evolution of a series of past agendas and goals. They take into account criticism or limitations identified in previous efforts. It should be noted that the history presented here is a summary and does not account for all the effort and actions taken to reach the SDGs. As with the rest of the self study pack you are encouraged to explore these events further yourself.
Below you will find some of the documents on past also policy frameworks. Whilst although not regulated internationally have policy significance and have been adopted by international and national policy makers, governments, NGOs, corporations around the world.

Read: United Nations Millennium Declaration
UN General Assembly, 2000

Read: Report of the World Summit on
Sustainable Development
UN General Assembly, 2000

Read: Work of the Statistical Commission pertaining to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
UN General Assembly, 2017
Work of the Statistical Commission pertaining to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
The optional video below reflects back on the year 2015. To outline the global climate that led to the creation of the UN SDGs. You may also want to reflect on how the world has changed since 2015, for better or worse.