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How to make the most of the Reflect stage of your Future me planning

Make the most out of opportunities to Reflect

  • Clarify the outcomes you are aiming for (mapping): start by being very deliberate about where you want to focus your effort.
    What is it that you want to enhance, improve or change? Why will this be useful to you and your future me plan?
    Be as clear as you can with your objectives in the mapping stage!
  • During and after an experience, identify the information/data and insights that are helpful to you: reflect on what went on in the moment or afterwards that is relevant for you and what you want to enhance, improve or change. Be selective and reflect on what is most useful.
    Information/data or insights include: your reaction to what happened, other people’s reactions, your feelings during or after the event/experience, feedback comments you received, whether you were successful in achieving your aims and quantitative data such as an assignment mark.

  • Learn from and with others: for all of us, there are missed opportunities if we don’t learn from and with others. Talking through your experiences with a mentor, peer, supervisor or others can help to make sense of what you have noticed and provides an opportunity to get a different perspective, receive feedback or get advice. You can also learn from others’ experiences to broaden your perspective and ideas.

  • Make your reflection ongoing: you learn through reflecting, putting your learning into practice and experimenting further – it’s a continual process to keep developing greater self-awareness.
Reflection in and on action as terms are from Schon’s work – Adapted from: Schön, D. A. (1983). The reflective practitioner : how professionals think in action. Basic Books.