It is easy for adults to get caught up in specifics such as colours, numbers and letters, but what are we looking for in the longer term? It is helpful to take a longer view of the assessment of a child to help them keep and nurture positive dispositions to learning, and to be active rather than passive participants in their educational journey.

Read: Being a Learner: Five dispositions for early childhood
Carr, Dr M Carr, Being a Learner; Five Learning Dispositions for Early Childhood.pdf (
Increase your understanding of the 5 key learning dispositions by reading the short article by Margaret Carr below.
Portfolio task

Stop and Reflect:
After reading the article above and listening to the discussion between the practitioners in the previous task, use your portfolio to complete the following task:
- What are our strategic aims for children’s long term well-being and lifelong learning?
- Write 200 words explaining what your aims for children in your local community would be. Use your reflective notes and any personal experiences to support you.