Fathers often feel ignored by healthcare professionals, family members and friends during the pregnancy and postnatal period as the focus is on the mother and the baby.
It is important to acknowledge the needs of the partners as 10% of fathers will suffer from postnatal depression and be able to support where there are concerns.

Stop and Reflect:
- Why do you think it is hard for fathers to discuss their concerns about their mental health?
- In your role can you consider how you can support fathers better?

Apply Your Thinking:
What can you do to help?
- Support women to plan their pregnancy and to optimise mental wellbeing and medication prior to conception.
- Encourage women to make a wellbeing plan for use during and after pregnancy
- Encourage women and their partner/friends to look for any changing symptoms
- Offer advice and support for stress management and relaxation
- Knowing where and who to contact if there are any changes.