Business School

Arts and Humanities Building

Arts and Humanities Building – Construction progress
Week 1 kicked off the start of the project where progress was made on the exterior shell of the Arts and Humanities building, during this week, around half the exterior shell was changed and some detail was placed on the All Saints Building and Library.
Week 2 concluded the exterior work of the Arts and Humanities building where all the blocks have been converted into the right colour palette, progress was also made on the Oxford Road takeaways where some of the shop fronts start to become decorated. Week 2 also marks the start of the interior work of the Arts and Humanities building where students aimed to clear out interior spaces.
Week 3 follows on the interior work where students can start creating and furnishing rooms on the ground and first floor.
Week 4 finalises the interior work on the ground and first floor, with progress starting on the second and third floor.
Week 5 marks the end of the project with the conclusion of the interior work on the fourth and fifth floor.