Teaching & Learning with Minecraft Education Edition sharing workshop with Austin Height International School
Our success in using Minecraft Education Edition (MCEE) to offer rich gamification learning experiences to our students has gained international recognition and attention. Austin Height International School (AHINT) Malaysia invited the Department of Operations, Technology, Events and Hospitality Management (OTEHM) to deliver a sharing workshop on how they can capitalise on this tool to enhance learning in their school.
On Feb 23rd, Dr Pin Shen Teh, Dr Ella Cranmer and Alasdair Swenson delivered a 2 hour sharing workshop to 25 passionate teachers from AHINT. The workshop has two objectives. Firstly, to share the fantastic innovative teaching method used and created at our university at an international level, thus benefiting the global academic community. Second, to publicise the rich learning experience that we offer to our students in ManMet, facilitating our international student recruitment ambition.
The workshop consisted of two sections. In the first section, Dr Pin introduced MCEE and signposted available teacher’s resources, Dr Ella highlighted the teaching and social activities that we did with our students and Alasdair demonstrated our flagship Minecraft campus project and how we used MCEE to teach coding units. In the second section, teachers had a hands-on opportunity to experience for themselves a simulated class activity which can be adapted easily to any subject topic. All the staff were very engaged, had fun and enjoyed the activity with lots of moments of laughter. The workshop ended with an insightful Q&A discussion on the features available to facilitate class management and how MCEE can be used for assessment.
Here are some of the feedback we received:
“I think is is a great to get students to learn especially with online lessons. Furthermore I think it is a great way to get students to learn especially with online lessons. Furthermore it can be used in some of our school events and activities eg International day where students can build landmarks of those countries they are assigned too. It can be conducted as a CCA in school. The possibilities are many for us to explore.” – Suresh
“It is a great opportunity to learn about an educationally interactive platform~~MCEE. It is indeed fun and learner-centered. Thanks.” – Dr Yvoone Choong
“Oh my GOD, haha this sounds wonderful.” – Teoh
The school has already purchased site wide licenses for teachers and students to use MCEE in some of the subjects in the new semester this September. The session was beneficial and enjoyable for both sides and the workshop was made possible as a result of on-going partnership between OTEHM and AHINT. A sincere thank you to Ms Yi Zheng Goh for organising this workshop with us and we look forward to having future workshops and collaboration with your teachers and students.
Special thanks to fellow Business Technology students Andrew Lee (final year) and Maida Alamgir (second year) for facilitating the session.