Welcome to the Greener Compute Club
Electricity from fossil fuels is contributing to climate change. IT consumes vast amounts of electricity. So what can we do to minimise and reduce our impact on the planet but still use IT? The Greener Compute Club aims to explore these issues and is looking for volunteers to get involved.
We are entering a climate emergency due to humanity’s release of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2), into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat within our atmosphere and scientists estimate the average global temperature will rise by about 2.5 degrees Celsius. Such a rise is unprecedented and will lead to extreme weather conditions.
ICT (Information & Communication Technologies) and computing use a significant amount of electricity. Electricity is not (yet) 100% renewables and thus computing contributes to the problem.
The “Greener Compute Club” aims to educate and empower. We will be student-driven with input from experts in the various fields. We aim to educate regarding climate change and IT’s role and to empower both at an individual level (what each of us can do e.g. re our personal devices, and any coding we do) and at the MMU level (e.g. can we determine and reduce the university’s carbon footprint that is due to IT).
How to Get Involved
Firstly, sign-up to our MS Teams channel
Then sign up for the welcome event where you can find out more about greener computing and also share your ideas for how we can work towards more sustainable ICT technology at Manchester Metropolitan. Sign up for the event here (Date TBD):