This Way Up: Networking + Signposting to the World
THURS JUN 13th | 10am til 5pm | BENZIE
403 / SODA GF
Check out the full schedule here.
This will be a chance to listen to speakers from within the creative industries, culture sector and academia talking openly and honestly about the key opportunities and issues facing creatives within an industry environment – knowing your worth, navigating a portfolio living, working with others, intellectual property – and take part in group conversations in an informal, friendly setting. The talks will be followed by a round table networking session where you can ask questions in smaller, informal groups with our panel of speakers from
agencies, production companies, start-ups and freelance backgrounds. Talk to Gem Barton over a coffee at her session. Visit the pop up stands, available all day, to get your headshot photo, take part in an ‘Effectively You’ session and other support available to network and signpost you to the world after graduation.Treat it as a takeaway cheat sheet for your professional beginnings. Learn, take part and come and join us for a slice of pizza at a gathering for creatives.
The Careers Team will be in attendance to support with any career related questions that you
may have throughout the session.
Drop in all day from 10 – 4 Benzie 403
Arrive early to the talks to secure your spot
Win Prizes and eat Pizza!
Associated Badges:
In A Nutshell...
- Professional networking...build valuable connections with industry professionals and peers
- Confidence building...boost your confidence as you prepare to enter the professional world
- Self-Promotion...build your LinkedIn profile, learn how to be 'Effectively You'
- Resource Utilisation...discover various support resources and tools available to aid your career development
- Earn up to 50 Rise points ... which can be recognised within your degree.
11:00 to 13:00 on 13/06/24 - Benzie 403 LT
Industry Spotlight Session #1 6X10 min Industry Talks including Gem Barton, Castlefield Art Gallery, Represent recruitment and freelancers! Followed by round table speed dating. Arrive early to secure your spot. -
14:00 to 15:00 on 13/06/24 - BZ505
Industry Spotlight Session #3 14:00 – 15:00 Coffee & Chat with Gem Barton author of Don’t Get a Job, Make a Job: how to make it as a creative graduate. Arrive early to secure your spot. -
13:30 to 15:30 on 13/06/24 - Venue BZ403 LT
Industry Spotlight Session #2 6 x 10min Industry Talks including Factory International, Deloitte Digital and Wushu Studios and more! Followed by round table speed dating. Arrive early to secure your spot. -
10:00 to 16:00 on 13/06/24 - Benzie 403
Drop in ALL DAY 10:00 – 16:00 Drop in anytime throughout the day. Get your profile pic taken, have some pastries and chat with alumni, careers, recruitment agency and more... -
16:00 to 17:00 on 13/06/24 - Venue SODA GF
End of the day Pizza & Social Mixer - join us to end the day to keep the networking going! Arrive early to secure your spot.