Storytelling Science - reflection on a collaboration between artists, scientists, and students
Hear from the artistic and scientific collaborators of the Storytelling Science project about the process and outcomes of their interdisciplinary project. A project aimed at enriching the scientific research of the Mostowy Lab at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and communicating the research through creative workshops with young people led by Manchester Metropolitan University students online in March 2021.
With backgrounds in microbiology, animation, textiles and much more, the student workshop leaders took participants on a virtual journey into and beyond the lab. They used their diverse academic specialities to help participants uncover the mysteries of Shigella bacteria, zebrafish and microbiology in creative and inspiring ways.
Storytelling Science is part of a larger project produced by Animate Projects and Samantha Moore. Supported by a Wellcome Trust Research Enrichment Grant and by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. Partners include Central Saint Martins, Manchester Metropolitan University, and Volda University College Norway.
In A Nutshell...
- Discover... this unique creative project
- Hear... from the artistic and scientific collaborators
- Explore ... the intersection of science and art
- Engage ... with a diversity of academic specialities
- Earn up to 5 Rise points ... which can be recognised within your degree.
16:00 to 18:00 on 26/05/22 - SODA ground floor
Attend in-person session