20:20 print exchange
Students can access the Printmaking Workshop from 9am til 4.30pm from Monday to Friday of the week commencing July 24th in order to make an edition of prints. Mike and Will the printmaking technicians will be on hand to provide instruction and workshop support throughout.
The 20:20 Print Exchange is an annual event organised by Hot Bed Press in Salford- participants pay an entry fee of 15 pounds and submit an edition of 25 prints. In return, each contributor receive a box of 20 randomised prints from other participating workshops. Prints must be 20cm square and made using printmaking techniques but otherwise there is no set theme or other requirement. You can make work that reflects your practice and interests.
Prints submitted to the exchange go on a world touring exhibition organised by Hot Bed Press. There will also be an exhibition of prints by Manchester School of Art participants in one of the art school buildings before the Christmas break.
Associated Badges:
In A Nutshell...
- Collaborate ... with students and staff
- Engage ... with printmakers locally and across the world
- Upskill ... by furthering your existing knowledge or trying a new printmaking technique
- Earn up to 100 Rise points ... which can be recognised within your degree.
24/07/23 to 28/07/23 - Printmaking Workshop G15 Benzie Building Manchester School of Art
attend Printmaking Workshop from 10am on Monday July 24th In this initial session we will arrange times for each student to use equipment, set up silkscreens for printing and prepare for the week's practical activities -
24/07/23 to 28/07/23 - Printmaking Workshop G15 Benzie Building, Manchester School of Art
Workshop access across the week (monday to friday 9am-4.30pm) you will have access to the printmaking workshop and support from technicians to complete an edition of 25 prints to the specifications for the 20:20 Print Exchange -
16:00 to 18:00 on 01/12/23 - Benzie Building
Exhibition of work from the MSoA 20:20 participants an exhibition of student and staff work from 20:20 participants