Takes place with a fixed time and schedule
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6th March
13:00 to 16:00
You will earn 10 silver points for completing this activity.
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English department L6 Mentoring
English department mentors - one to one sessions
Wednesday 6th March 1-2pm Lunch and networking GM LT 6
Join us for lunch and you can book a personal session with a mentor to discuss your career ideas and development
Our department mentors are coming in on Wednesday 6th March to offer one to one sessions
1-2pm Networking lunch GM LT 6
Join us for lunch and you can book a personal session
with a mentor to discuss your career ideas and development
Creative Industries– Esther Lisk-Carew
Marketing – Jengira Begue
Creative writing, script editing – Sojourner Mackenzie
Book through Rise and then sign up for a slot here (just write your name in the box):
Bring your CV or anything that you would like some advice on
Please contact Emily Brick e.brick@mmu.ac.uk if you have any questions
Associated Badges:
In A Nutshell...
- Network...with alumni from your course
- Develop...your career plans
- Refine...your CV
- Pitch...ideas, scripts, business plans
- Earn up to 10 Rise points ... which can be recognised within your degree.
13:00 to 16:00 on 06/03/24 - GM 222
One to One meeting with a mentor Aimed at students in the English department, this event has a networking lunch followed by the opportunity to