Future me week
Restricted Content
26th January
11:00 to 13:00
You will earn 5 silver points for completing this activity.
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Future me plan drop-in: Goal Setting
Find out more about Future me plan (formerly known as My Five Year Plan), and how you can start setting and achieving manageable goals.
Maybe you want to tackle time management? Learn a new skill? Get work experience? Find out more in a judgement-free environment.
Hear from goal-setting experts from Aim a Little Higher, and get ready to start goal setting for Semester Two.
This is a drop-in session following a talk – all are welcome (you do not need to have attended the talk to come along).
Associated Badges:
In A Nutshell...
- Gain valuable insights...into goal setting and taking your first steps towards your future.
- Get connected...meet individuals who are experts in supporting students develop personal and career plans.
- Develop graduate attributes...with Future me plan.
- Improve your job applications...by feeling empowered and focused.
- Earn up to 5 Rise points ... which can be recognised within your degree.
11:00 to 13:00 on 26/01/24 - Students' Union Conference Suite
Future me plan drop-in - Goal Setting Find out more about goal-setting and ask questions relating to your personal and career goals, as well as your Future me plan.