Climate Café with Force of Nature
Feeling hopeless can leave us with a sense of being powerless and demotivated to act on the climate crisis. This can be a real barrier to action and can prevent you from bringing your passion, expertise, and personal experience to climate action. This leaves young people, whose future will be impacted most by climate change, without a platform to enact change to build towards a more sustainable future.
The first step in dealing with climate anxiety is to talk about it and acknowledge these feelings. Feeling heard can be very powerful! This climate café, hosted by Force of Nature, is a safe space for you to do just that! This is an open, inclusive event for you to have your say, discuss your feelings around climate change, and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee! We will also discuss how feelings of anxiety or hopelessness act as a barrier to taking climate action.
Once we have acknowledged and shared these feelings, we will discuss how to turn anxiety into motivation to action with the help of Force of Nature. We will examine sustainability at Manchester Met as an example of this and talk about how you can get involved, and what kind of initiatives and actions you might like to see. Finally, we will discuss the importance of community action and why we need every member of society involved in climate action!
This event is in the Grosvenor East Building in room 3.09 on the third floor with tea and coffee provided!
About Force of Nature
Force of Nature’s mission is to mobilise mindsets for climate action and tackle anxiety and feelings of hopelessness towards the climate crisis. Started by young people for young people Force of Nature provides resources, courses, and events that give a platform to those struggling with the challenges our future faces. Find out more about Force of Nature!
Associated Badges:
In A Nutshell...
- Share ... your feelings on climate change
- Discuss and acknowledge ... anxiety around climate change
- Discover ... how to empower yourself to create real change
- Transform ... climate anxiety into climate action
- Be a part ... of change in our university and local community
- Earn up to 25 Rise points ... which can be recognised within your degree.
12:00 to 14:00 on 04/10/23 - Grosvenor East Third Floor Room 3.09
Climate Café with Force of Nature Share your thoughts and feelings around climate change and discover how to transform climate anxiety into climate action