Please note, you may be required to take further training or induction resources before volunteering.
We hope that this course has been of value to you and that you have expanded your knowledge. If you are interested in following it up with volunteering, some organisations that you might consider are listed below.
Manchester city of Sanctuary
Find out more here: https://manchester.cityofsanctuary.org/
Apply and register interest here: manchester@cityofsanctuary.org
Manchester Refugee Support Network
Find our more and apply here: https://mrsn.org.uk/volunteering-in-the-office/
Find out more here:https://www.afrocats.org.uk/
Apply and register interest here: magdalen@afrocats.org.uk
CAN (Community Arts Northwest)
Find our more here: https://can.uk.com/
Apply and register interest here: admin@can.uk.com
Talk English
Find out more here: https://www.talk-english.co.uk/manchester/
Apply and Register here: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=Xn3OsM2B-0eU9ydsYmt7CTY0B3BcJQJEtdMlOlTb_mRUQlVOMk9EQ1NaVDlHOUtKWlVGU0tMMjhVQS4u
Caritas **New Opportunity**
Caritas need volunteers to help at St. Aidans Centre in Wythenshawe for the following:
- 3 volunteers every Tuesday 12-2 pm to teach English to refugees and people who seek asylum.
- 4 Female students to lead some activities sessions for our Women’s group every Friday 12 pm- 2 pm.
- 2 volunteers to help charity with media and communications
- 2 volunteers to work on an evaluation of the refugee project and be able to visit hotels to interview people.
When recruiting volunteers, Caritas will consider equal opportunities and diversity principles. Caritas seek to be responsible for ensuring that all volunteers can perform their role safely. All volunteers are DBS checked and are required to receive safeguarding and cultural awareness training to confirm they have read the volunteers handbook and our complaints policy. They work with Manchester Adult Education Service, which offers training opportunities and resources to our ESOL.
Register and Apply via email:
Ben Gilchrist: <Ben.gilchrist@caritasshrewsbury.org.uk>
Mona Moussa <Mona.Moussa@caritasshrewsbury.org.uk>
Find out more here: https://www.caritasshrewsbury.org.uk/get-involved/volunteering/
Our thanks to the volunteers and Sanctuary Seekers who shared their experiences as part of this course.
Thanks also to Hannah and Izzy who checked and edited the content.