Warm, trusting relationships with knowledgeable adult’s support children’s learning more effectively than any amount of resources.

Stop and Reflect:
Use this document to reflect on the statements below:
https://1drv.ms/b/s!App0hvSdYs8rgdg25UeleZWsYlrjEQ?e=fOjVt9 Use the effective practice section to think about your own practice and identify areas you could improve
Use the reflecting on practice section to think about how each child’s development can be supported through their experiences
Use the challenges and dilemmas section and think about how you might overcome them.
Have a look on this website, The Communication Trust produced 4 films to help parents encourage their children’s communication development. Narrated by comedian Kathy Burke, the films are full of useful advice on how parents can encourage their child to talk and how they can interact with them. The 4 films are divided into age groups, for parents who have children up to the age of 3. If you’re a member of the children’s workforce, you can download a guidance document on how to get the best from the films whilst working with parents. The videos are portrayed through the eyes of a child. When you have watched the videos, read the information for professionals about how to support speech, language and communication. Make a note of anything new you learn and try this out in your practice next time you are with children.