In this section you will learn about Sexually Transmitted Infection and Blood Borne Virus Risk assessment.

Sexually transmitted infections, such as chlamydia, syphilis and gonorrhoea, and the blood born virus infections; HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C, are often asymptomatic but can cause problems to the pregnancy and infection can be transmitted to the baby during pregnancy or at birth.
Some STIs will also reduce female and male fertility and routine testing is good practice to diagnose infection and arrange treatment at an early stage. This will reduce future problems, prevent transmission and allow treatment of partners as appropriate.
Women will routinely be investigated for HIV and syphilis infections during their first antenatal booking appointment with the midwife but it is good practice for women to consider testing before they try to conceive.

Stop and Reflect:
- What barriers do you think there are for you in your work to discussing STIs and encouraging women to arrange testing?
- How do you think you can discuss the need for testing in a non-judgmental, culturally appropriate way?

See Also:
Further information is available Getting tested for an STI: Your guide to how it works – UK Health Security Agency (