Reflective Practice

You will be encouraged to reflect throughout this online learning resource. Reflecting is an important tool for professionals to be able to develop and recognise their own strengths and weaknesses. Reflection can inform professional development and lead to self-directed learning and improved motivation. Take a look at the Reflective Practice Toolkit below to learn more:

Read: Reflective Practice Toolkit
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This resource will guide you through the basics of what reflective practice is, its benefits, how to integrate it into your everyday life and the basics of reflective writing. The resource is designed to be flexible so you can use it in the best way for you.

Stop and Reflect:
Take some time to answer the following questions. Notice what is coming up emotionally for you. Be curious and resist the urge to jump to conclusions or to be judgemental.
- What are your goals and intentions at the start of this course?
- What strengths do you bring? What are your worries? Are there any barriers that could impact your engagement?
- Scale your knowledge from 1 – 10. 10 is very confident in your understanding about emotional wellbeing in the early years and equipped to support others. 0 is no existing skills or understanding. Where are you on this scale?