Our travel and transport system is a major contributor to both greenhouse gas emissions and poor air quality, the latter affecting the health and wellbeing of thousands of people every year in the UK. As such, by switching to sustainable modes of transport such as walking and cycling and in the future when safe to do so, public transport will not only help to tackle climate change, but it will also improve the air that we breathe and protect people with respiratory illnesses.
The Covid-19 pandemic has already forced many of us to drastically alter the way we travel. In addition to this, we have seen the emergence of temporary bike lanes and wider pavements, encouraging more people to cycle and walk, offering us a glimpse of how a sustainable transport system could look like. To explore how our transport could change after the pandemic, please read this article by Friends of the Earth.
Once you have read the article, please scroll down this page to access “Action Audit: Travel” and complete that quiz before moving on to the next topic.