Portfolio task
This week’s preparation task is intended to help you practice using Carr’s framework for assessment and to reflect on what you have learned through your engagement with the School Readiness unit.
Here are a reminder of Carr’s five key dispositions:
- Courage to find something of interest
- Trust that this is a safe place to be involved and focus one’s attention
- Confidence to express a point of view or feeling
- Responsibility for justice and fairness and the disposition to take on another point of view
- Perseverance to persist when things get difficult
Apply Your Thinking:
Reflecting on your own Learning Story for this unit of study. In your portfolio, write a Learning Story to yourself following the format from the develop section and using Carr’s five key dispositions.
- Write 100 words addressed to yourself using each of the five learning dispositions. Think about yourself as a learner rather than about the specific content of School Readiness.
- Write 100 words on how your understanding of School Readiness changed as a result of engaging with the unit.
- What did you perceive School Readiness to be when you started the unit?
- How has your opinion been confirmed or changed by your engagement with the unit?
- You may want to use the following questions prompts to help you:
- What have you learned through your engagement with this unit of study?
- What ideas and activities have you had the courage to engage with?
- How have you developed confidence to express a point of view or feeling?
- How have you shown perseverance to persist when things get difficult?
You may also want to include images and photographs in your portfolio to help bring your Learning Story to life.