Understanding Rise Points
The engine of Rise is the accumulation of Rise Points, which proxy the amount of co-curricular learning. They might range from a single point (say, for attending a one-off event) to 300 points for international mobility or work placement. Our points recognise the amount of time invested and the depth of effort – with more points awarded to activities that require leadership or autonomy.
Points are level-agnostic, as they recognise effort rather than academic performance. As such, students can accrue their points throughout their degree and roll them over from year to year. We even have a mechanism to award points before arrival for pre-induction work.
Students can check their current number of Rise points and understand better how they can use them directly within the Rise website. The tracker on the front page of the site gives them an overview and allows them to click through for more information on their points total and the assessment, if applicable.

Students can also view a list of their activities on their transcript via the link below: