In this section you will learn about the optimisation of medication.

Most medicines taken during pregnancy cross the placenta and reach the baby so it is very important for the woman to check with a doctor or pharmacist about the safety of any. This advice also includes medicines bought from the pharmacy or online.
If taking medicines for any health condition it is best for the woman to continue her contraception until discussed with GP or specialist who may change the medication before getting pregnant.
Medication should not be stopped without a discussion with the GP.
Once pregnant or if trying to become pregnant it is important to inform a GP, pharmacist or dentist before they prescribe any medicine so they can make sure it is the safest possible for the pregnancy.

Stop and Reflect:
- Do you ask women you work with about their medical conditions and medication?
- Can you think of any ways you can improve the discussions you have with women about their health?

See Also:
Further information about medicines in pregnancy can be found on BUMPS website Best Use of Medicines in Pregnancy.