
A healthy, nutritious diet during pregnancy can support the development of a child, before and after birth.
The NHS highlights the importance of getting the right vitamins and supplements during pregnancy, as a baby relies on the right balance of nutrients to help them grow and develop properly (even after they are born).

Read: NHS Vitamins and Supplements in Pregnancy
Read the NHS advice using the link above that explains which vitamins and supplements to take during pregnancy and which ones to avoid.
This resource focuses on the inclusion of vitamin supplements in pregnancy, as advised by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC).
Infant feeding plays a crucial part in child development during the first stages of childhood, not only with regards to nutrition, but also in enabling effective bonding between the caregiver and the child.

Read: Responsive Feeding: Supporting Close and Loving Relationships
Read through these initiatives from UNICEF help caregivers and providers below to understand the importance of effective infant feeding.

Read: Building a happy baby – A guide for parents
Read through these initiatives from UNICEF help caregivers and providers below to understand the importance of effective infant feeding.
A healthy, balanced diet can support all areas of development in early childhood.

Read: What to feed young children
This activity can help you to recognise that for toddlers onwards, healthy routines which include healthy lifestyle choices, can support, their learning and development and positive mental health. Using the link above, read through this NHS advice about the role healthy eating plays in the development of young children.

Stop and Reflect:
Based on the content above, reflect on the following:
- How can your work in the Greater Manchester area help to highlight the importance of good nutrition in pregnancy, including vitamins and supplements, and the effects on young children?
- How can your interactions with families support Government advice relating to making healthy food choices?
Further Resources
- Healthy eating: applying All Our Health
- This UK Government guidance offers advice for health care professionals on healthy eating and nutrition Healthy eating: applying All Our Health