Interacting with young children, through verbal and non-verbal communication, can support their development, and have a lasting impact.
These activities will help you to understand that communication and language development is one of the important building blocks for all the other areas of learning and development and if not developed early it is more difficult to achieve later. Recognising the key developmental stages will help you to build an awareness that some children’s speech, language and communication (SLC) development does not follow a typical pattern and they may have speech, language and communication needs (SLCN).

Read: BBC Tiny Happy People – Tools For Talking
BBC Tiny Happy People
Using the link above, read through the BBC infographic which highlights the different techniques that can support the development of speech, language and communication, from birth to 5 years.
Speech, language and communication skills can be developed by introducing different techniques into everyday interactions and activities.

Watch: Key talking tips by age
BBC Tiny Happy People
Using the link above, watch the short videos from the BBC that show different stages of speech and language development during early childhood.
The development of language and communication in young children can happen in many ways. Understanding the importance of developing these skills, and identifying opportunities, can help you to support them both formally and informally.

Watch: I CAN Talk – Keep on Commenting
Speech and Language UK
Watch this video about how to support children’s speech, language and communication skills through playful interactions.
By completing this activity, you will understand that communication and language development is one of the important building blocks for all the other areas of learning and development and if not developed early it is more difficult to achieve later.

Stop and Reflect:
After reading through the content above and watching the videos, reflect on the following:
- How can your interactions with young children help to support the development of language and communication skills?
- How can you begin to recognise if a young child has additional speech, language and communication needs?
Further Resources