Do you have a burning passion for your subject? A desire to introduce novices to a key idea, skill or competence? Are you ready to take part in an innovative new peer-to-peer learning scheme?
Our programme of open-authorship of Rise Intensives gives students, staff and partners the opportunity to bid for funding to create interdisciplinary experiences for wide-ranging audiences.
It creates opportunities for learners to develop their breadth of knowledge, as part of embracing the richness that comes from coupling a deep subject insight with experiences of other ways of thinking and doing. It provides authors with a way of embedding and deepening insights by teaching others.
This intensive exists to support potential authors in creating their intensives. In following it you will learn more about the design and creation of online courses.
In this first topic, you will learn about pitching an intensive, with support in completing and submitting a proposal form.
Once the proposal has been approved, you will develop your intensive. This will involve thinking more about the journey you will take participants on.
Finally, you will deliver your intensive, with technical support in creating and resourcing a course with our online platform.

As you progress through this topic, you will complete this form, which can be submitted at the end in order to formally propose a new intensive.