This section will introduce you to this important stage of a child’s personal, social and emotional development and the impact of relationships in enabling a young child to manage their behaviour.
- You will begin to understand that children’s personal, social and emotional development and well-being is crucial for them to lead healthy and happy lives and is fundamental to their learning and development.
- You will discover the importance of children feeling safe and secure; developing strong, warm and supportive relationships with others; learning how to co-operate and to resolve conflicts peaceably
- You will understand that children’s behaviour is a way for them to communicate how they are feeling and that sometimes feeling upset, sad, angry and frustrated is a normal part of healthy development.
Personal, social and emotional development in the early years is reliant on a adult interactions, that engage the child.
Watch: ‘Introduction to personal, social and emotional development (PSED)’
Anna Freud
Watch this short video outlining the importance of and approaches to personal, social and emotional development (PSED) in young children.
You will begin to understand that children’s personal, social and emotional development and well-being is crucial for them to lead healthy and happy lives and is fundamental to their learning and development.
It is well established that healthy personal, social and emotional development is fundamental for children to go on to lead healthy and happy lives. Low levels of wellbeing and a lack of emotional intelligence can have an impact on health, development and education.
It has been acknowledged for many years that children need support to develop personally, socially and emotionally and that early years settings and schools cannot only focus on academic achievement.
Watch: ‘Shaping Us: Layla’s Story’
Centre for Early Childhood
Social and emotional development begins as soon as a baby is born, and the first five years of life are a time of incredible change and growth as you see in the following video.
Stop and Reflect:
Whilst you work through this section think about:
- The opportunities you have to interact with young children and their caregivers.
- The importance of these relationships.
- How you can support personal, social and emotional development in young children.
- Thinking about the social and economical environment of Greater Manchester, are there any factors which may influence children and young people in their early years?