One of the key messages we are hoping to convey in this course is that climate change is urgent and that everyone, from governments to businesses and individuals, have a role to play in transitioning to a zero carbon world in order to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.
As such, in this lesson we will focus on individual action planning, i.e. actions that you can take in your personal life in order to reduce your own carbon footprint. We will focus on the four main areas that makes our carbon footprint; home, food, the stuff we buy and travel & transport.
You will be asked to conduct a low carbon action audit for each of the four areas of your carbon footprint, with the aim to encourage you to reflect on the actions you can take. For each of the areas you will also be asked to complete a challenge that will support you in reducing your carbon emissions.
It is important to acknowledge that individual action doesn’t just refer to changing our behaviours, it is equally important that we use our voice to influence political and commercial decision-makers to also act on climate change. Although this lesson focuses on behaviour change, in the next sprint we will focus on how you can influence others to take action.