In this sprint you will learn about the influence of different factors to choose a contraception method.

There are many factors that influence a woman’s decision about which contraception she would like to, plus is medically safe for her to use.
There are many myths and unfounded concerns about the different contraceptives, often exaggerated on social media, and it is important to explore whether she has any specific concerns.
Many concerns may be reduced by appropriate information, signposting and support.
These include:
- Beliefs about bodily functions
- Many women believe that a monthly period is important because of concerns about the need to ‘get rid of the blood that builds up otherwise’
- Cultural/religious beliefs
- Unpredictable bleeding is a concern for some who are unable to partake in religious activities, undertake home commitments such as cooking or have sex when bleeding.
- Knowledge
- She may have limited knowledge or misconceptions about the range of methods available, their action or safety
- Future fertility requirements
- She may be concerned that her future options may be restricted by use of the long-acting methods
- The contraceptive injection has a delayed return to fertility following use and requires explanation
- Age
- Age of the woman may restrict the use of combined hormonal contraceptives in certain women
- Lifestyle
- If she has a chaotic lifestyle the requirement of daily use of the contraceptive pills may not provide effective contraception
- Lifestyle risks of obesity and smoking may restrict the use of combined hormonal contraceptives because of safety concerns
- Medical conditions
- Medical assessment is required to ensure the method used does not exacerbate the health concerns associated with certain medical conditions ie cardio-vascular disease
- Medication
- Some medications interfere with the contraceptive actions and reduce their effectiveness
- For some women the medicines they use would be a risk to the development of the foetus and very reliable methods of contraception are required to prevent pregnancy occurring.

Stop and Reflect:
- What are the challenges you might encounter in your work about discussing contraception?
- How can you improve the support you currently provide to the women and men you work with?