Woo! We can now perform the tests; however, this isn’t very useful if we cannot interpret what they tell us!
To report our results, we need to:
- Report the p value
- Is the p value significant or not?
If it is significant
- Report our Cramer’s V value
- What strength is this? (Use the guide below to interpret)
- Describe some notable comparisons from our observed and expected count tables
Cramer’s V Interpretation Guide
Zero – No association between variables
0.2 – Weak association between the variables
0.4 – Medium association between variables
0.6 – Strong association between variables
0.8 – Strange (possible but check calculations)
1 – Variables are perfectly associated

Apply Your Thinking:
Have a go at writing up your results…
Using the previous sprint and the data available, have a go at writing up the results.

Stop and Reflect:
What strength do these Cramer’s V values represent?
1 – 0.56
- 2 – .01
- 3 – .39

Apply Your Thinking:
The previous results look at whether there is an association between the Generation a person was born into and what Region they live in. Analyse the Chi-Square and Cramer’s V and write up the results.
Remember the p value, Cramer’s V, strength of association.