Introduction to ‘Healthy lifestyles’
In this sprint you will develop the following knowledge:
- I can talk to parents about a healthy lifestyle in pregnancy.
- I am able to have motivational conversations (e.g. about alcohol and smoking in pregnancy).
There are many things that contribute to the mothers and unborn babies health in pregnancy.
These include:
- Taking folic acid
- Smoking
- Alcohol
- Weight
- Medication
- Vaccinations and infections
- Long term health conditions
- Sickle cell and thalassaemia

Read: Planning your Pregnancy
Use the link above to read more about each of these areas.
Develop your understanding of ‘Healthy lifestyles’
Smoking and drinking alcohol while pregnant pose risks for the unborn baby.

Read the infographics below and make notes about how smoking and alcohol can affect the baby.

Watch: What is self-care and why is it important?
<undefined>Anna Freud</undefined>
Anna Freud
Watch the video below about the importance of self care and make notes about what self-care is and why it is important.
Reflect upon ‘Healthy lifestyles’
Holding a conversation with a parent about the importance of healthy lifestyles requires a particular skill set. Conversations need to be non-judgemental and motivational.
Motivational conversations aim to:
- Build self-confidence and trust
- Help the parent take responsibility for themselves and their actions
- Lower the chance of future relapse
- Show parents they have the power to change their lifes themselves
Motivational conversations have key concepts within them:
- Collaboration instead of confrontation
- Evocation rather than education
- Autonomy over authority

Read: Understanding Motivational Interviewing
Verywell mind. Elizabeth Hartney. 2023
Use the link above to read more about motivational conversations. Make notes about why these key concepts are important.