The housing and homeless charity, Shelter, reports that the ‘major influences on a child’s life – family income, effective parenting, and a safe and secure environment – are all directly or indirectly influenced by a family’s housing conditions’, highlighting ‘a clear ‘housing effect’ in relation to important aspects of children’s well-being and future life chances.’ Shelter, 2006. These can impact on children from the moment they are born and can continue to be factors in their early development.

Read: Read the information on this interactive resource to discover the impact of poor housing on the development of young children.
By completing this activity, you will become aware of how poor housing, e.g. overcrowding and lack of a safe outdoor space, can have a negative impact on a child’s health and development.
Physical development in the early years of a child’s life can have a lasting impact on their physical and mental health, which can last a lifetime.

Read: ‘The Importance of Physical Activity‘ interactive resource.
This resource offers guidance relating to the factors that impact on physical activity in early childhood.
These activities will help you to recognise that for toddlers onwards, healthy routines which include regular bedtimes and outdoor play are important for healthy lifestyles, their learning and development and positive mental health. You will also build an awareness of how poor housing, e.g. overcrowding and lack of a safe outdoor space can have a negative impact on a child’s health and development.

Stop and Reflect:
Based on the content above, reflect on the following:
- How can you sensitively support families and young children to counteract the impact of poor housing conditions?
- How can your interactions with young children encourage a range of physical activity and foster a positive attitude to healthy lifestyle choices?
- Do you have opportunities to offer, or advise about, safe, secure, learning environments?
Further Resources
- Greater Manchester Get Moving
- These leaflets, created by Greater Manchester Sports Partnership, offer guidance to parents and carers to support their children’s physical development, from birth through to starting school.
- Forest school and its role in child development
- This article from University of Bolton highlights the importance of the outdoors, and activities that encourage skills development, such as risk taking.