Effective communication is a powerful tool which can engage families with information and reassurance. Many small interactions over time can help families to feel safe, ask for help if they need it and maintain a positive relationship between practitioners and professionals.
Communicate carefully to avoid stigmatising, blaming, or discouraging parents. Focus on building parents’ efficacy – that they are equal partners and can make a difference.
~ Education Endowment Foundation, Working with Parents to Support Children’s Learning

Communication can be particularly challenging across different cultures. Consider the SCORE principle below to reflect on your own communication skills and think about any areas where you might need to develop.

Image source: Lorna Colter adapted from The SCORE Communication Principles (Berado, 2012)
Stop and Reflect: Think about a family you have worked with where you feel the outcome was successful. Then, take a moment to reflect on a case where you struggled to engage the family. Ask yourself the following questions:
– What methods of communication where used?
– How often did you communicate with the family?
– How did you establish a relationship with this family?
– What factors contributed to effective or non-effective communication in each case?