In this section you will learn about cultural sensitivity related to contraception.

Every discussion about contraception and pregnancy planning must be undertaken with cultural sensitivity so that the woman and her partner can make the choices that are right for them.
The unpredictable bleeding caused by some methods of contraception may be more of a concern for some women than for others if it has an impact on whether she can join in daily prayers, cook or socialise freely. Having a non-judgmental appreciation of the different needs and concerns, whilst also offering support and information or signposting to reliable resources allows women to choose the right method for her at the right time.
Using reliable interpreters, and being able to offer female interpreters, is essential if there are language concerns. Easy read leaflets are also available for women who would benefit from the information provided in that way. Information in a number of languages is available on Contraceptives – Bevan.
It is also essential to appreciate that for some women they require more time to have discussions with their partner before a method can be chosen.

Further information about contraception and cultural sensitivity is available in the paper on the subject Religious and Cultural Influences on Contraception

Stop and Reflect:
- How can we remain non-judgemental when we are trying to dispel myths or concerns that people we work with have?
- How can we make sure the language we use in discussions is appropriate?