The EYFS framework describes ‘positive behaviour’ to consist of:
- Emotional Intelligence: Managing feelings and behaviour (self-regulation), being able to express your emotions effectively, and being empathic towards others.
- Social Skills: Being able to form positive, respectful relationships.
- Cognitive Skills: Having self-confidence and self-awareness, and the ability to understand different feelings.
It is common among adults to react to the child’s behaviour rather than considering what might be going on underneath the surface. It is key to remember that all behaviour is communication so we need to tune in and consider what might be going on for a child. Understanding behaviour and promoting positive behaviour in the early years can significantly improve the day to day experiences of both children and adults. It is important to have a sense of what behaviour might be developmentally appropriate, whether our expectations are realistic and the importance of supporting children to be able to regulate their feelings.
Adults can spend a lot of time and effort trying to get a child to stop or change their behaviour. Often a child is unable to do this for many reasons. We need to shift the question from ‘how do we change the child?’ to ‘how do we understand this child better and what is this behaviour telling us about this child?’
“See the need behind the behaviour”
– Karyn Purvis
What might the image below represent when it comes to behaviour?

When faced with challenging behaviour we often see the threat of the shark without considering what vulnerabilities lie beneath the surface. The way we might respond to a shark and a goldfish are very different!
Hear from Emily Wood (Early Years Lead Officer, Wigan Council) as she explores how supporting emotional regulation and wellbeing can look in practice, with the playful resource ‘Songs that make you go Mmmm’.
In the video below Reception Teacher, Rebecca Waters, speaks to Emily Wood, Early Years Lead Officer at Wigan Council, about how she works to support the emotional wellbeing and behaviour of children at Nicol Mere School in Wigan.
Get curious:
- What is going on in the life of the child? Has anything changed recently?
- Are they hungry, tired, scared or lonely?
- What happened before the behaviour? Look for triggers
- What did the child gain as a result of the behaviour?
Stop and Reflect: Understanding the feelings behind a child’s behaviour is key to providing effective support—reflect on the following questions to deepen your awareness and approach:
– What factors (e.g., environment, relationships, past experiences) might influence a child’s behaviour in your setting?
– How might observing a child’s behaviour help you understand their underlying emotions and needs?
– How can you respond to challenging behaviour in a way that acknowledges the child’s feelings rather than just managing the behaviour?