Hopefully you’ve found your own personal motivation for becoming a sustainable graduate, now how can we turn that motivation into action? The good news is Manchester Met offers many different ways for you to get involved in sustainability initiatives during your time at University! This sprint takes a look at a few of these activities and how you can get involved.
Carbon Literacy
At Man Met we want every graduate to understand climate change and be aware of the carbon costs of everyday activities and actions.

Apply Your Thinking:
A key part of Carbon Literacy training is understanding that although we all need to push for high level change, our individual every day choices and actions can have a real impact (see the extra reading at the end of this sprint to find out more). The Carbon Literacy Action Toolkit provides lots of tips and suggestions for making more carbon-friendly choices.
Explore the Carbon Literacy Action Toolkit here. Pick one area that where you think you can have an impact, for example: clothing and fashion, and think of one decision or action you can take, for example: purchasing clothes from ethical suppliers. If you’d like you can share your action on Miro here.

Associated links
Sustainability Student Engagement
Sustainability Society