There are many ways people arrive in the UK. They can arrive in the backs of trucks, in small boats crossing the channel or overstaying a tourist or student visa. Previously, irrespective of how they arrived, they had a legal right to claim asylum- now, as a result of the Borders Act, how they arrived doesn’t impact their legal right. With the new Nationality and Borders Act however, this has changed and Now only those who arrive through ‘authorised’, conventional routes may claim asylum in the UK.
When people arrive here and claim asylum, for the most part there is an immediate sense of relief. What is perceived to be the most difficult part of the journey, is now over. People are physically safe and they believe they will be able to start to rebuild their lives. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case.

Watch: An introduction to claiming asylum in the UK
Right To Remain (2019)
Watch this video that gives an overview of how to claim asylum.