Adobe Certification Scheme for Science and Engineering Students
A fully-funded opportunity (worth up to £600) to gain external certification from Adobe to evidence competency in Video and Design apps. Whatever your starting point, sharpen your skills and evidence self-development with a completely flexible process.
To gain your certification, follow the steps below.
- Make Sure You’ve Got The Software
In order to complete this certification, you will need access to Adobe Creative Suite.
This is widely available on computers on campus. Manchester Met also offers Laptop Loans which you can learn more about here: Laptop loans (ITD) | Manchester Metropolitan University (
Alternatively, you can access a 30 day trial via the Adobe Website – but please remember that you will need access to this software when you sit your certification:
Adobe Creative Cloud for students and teachers | Adobe Creative Cloud (
2. Complete Some Self-Paced Training
Now you need to polish up your skills in the applications for which you want to gain certifications.
To support you, we’ve identified some training, which you can access in the links below. We’ve divided this into recommended pathways which we’d like everyone to complete, and optional resources to deepen your skills.
In addition, if you complete all three badges, either of the following combinations, you will earn ‘specialist’ accreditation:
As part of our exclusive deal with LinkedIn Learning, you’ll automatically gain Rise points for completing any of their 18,000 courses – so you might want to explore some of the other things of offer.
3. Take a Practice Test
Now you’re confident in your chosen application, you can take the next steps with a practice examination.
In order to do this:
- Download and install the practice test software [windows | mac]. This is also widely available on Man Met computers (search for GMetrix).
- Open the software, register using your university ID and email and, when prompted, enter the following code:
Watch this screencast for instructions to access practice and revision materials:
4. Attend A Certification Exam
We are running two certification sessions for you to obtain your accreditation. You only need to attend one of these sessions, unless you wish to obtain more than one certification. These sessions will take place on
Wednesday 24th April 13:00-15:00 in the Institute of Sport Room 1.07
Thursday 25th April 13:00-15:00 In the Business School North Atrium Room 2.09
You will have time to sit one app certification per examination session. Students are currently able to obtain up to three certifications. If you wish to gain multiple certifications see the Adobe Rise Self-Study Pack