What's This?
Digital Badges are a form of portable microcredential which evidences your investment in particular areas of specialism.
Your badge contains data which authenticates the achievement to you. You can download an image with this data embedded and share it via a 'backpack' (such as Badgr) or use your Rise Transcript to maintain your profile.
This credential recognises the effort the holder has has invested in developing knowledge, skills and experience relevant to careers in Education.
Students who achieve the ‘bronze’ tier for attending appropriately themed events or engaging in self-study (click here for list) will have the opportunity to join our Aspiring Teachers programme, with targeted opportunities and bespoke coaching to achieve a career in teaching and education.
As part of the Rise Winter Challenge, complete the Partnership with Parents and Special Educational Needs and Disability self-study kits to gain your Bronze Educator badge.
To Achieve a Bronze Badge You Need to Earn: