The cut-off for Rise assessment submissions this year is Monday 28th April 2025.
Once you have earned 300 Rise points, there are a number of options available to you. Earning 300 points has already earned you transcript recognition, but if you’re on an eligible programme you can also register for the Rise assessment in order to earn credit that might improve your overall grade.
The Rise eligibility checker can be found below – please note that you should double check it is referring to the correct year in your programme. For example, if you are in your second year then ‘this year’ should appear as the second year on this list – if it does not then please contact the Rise team for clarification.
The assessment takes the form of a reflective account that is intended to tell the story of your engagement with Rise and put it into context in terms of your past, present and future. The format is up to you; it can be a written piece, a video, a podcast, a website, or even a mixture of all of these. The most important part is that you choose a method that will effectively tell your Rise story.
Use the resources below to find out more; start with the self-study then use the workshops to enhance your preparation for the deadline.
Good luck!
The Rise Team
Assessment Self Study
This self-study pack takes you through everything you need to know about the Rise assessment, how it works and what to do.
Assessment Workshops
We’ll be running a selection of assessment preparation workshops this year to help you get ready to submit. These will be collated in the space below.
We are also available for in-person drop-ins in the Student Hub in the Business School every Wednesday between 1 and 4pm. You do not need to book for these sessions; just turn up and grab a ticket.