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28th February
to 13th June
150 You will earn 150 gold points for completing this activity.
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Office for National Statistics Summer School | Social Research Stream

28th February to 13th June
Are you passionate about understanding society and want the opportunity to make a difference to people’s lives in the UK? If so, a career as a social researcher in the Civil Service may be for you. Join the Office for National Statistics for a 1 week summer school opportunity and get amazing experience!
This activity is brought to you in partnership with the Careers Service and Rise

The Government Social Research (GSR) service is the professional body within government for Civil Servants working in social and behavioural research. Government Social Researchers study and analyse various aspects of society, like people’s behaviour, opinions, and needs. This then helps the government make informed decisions.

At our Manchester office, we will be hosting a summer school for you to gain experience and learn more about what it’s like to be a social researcher in the Civil Service. The ONS is one of several government departments based in the North West where you can start your career as a social researcher.

To be eligible for this opportunity you will need to have some experience of social science or be on a course including elements of social science. These include but are not limited to criminology, psychology, sociology, economics, demography, social policy, political science, geography and social statistics 

To apply, please submit your expression of Interest, by the 28th February.

This event will take place from 9th – 13th June 2025, and each day the sessions will begin at 09:30 and the days will finish no later than 16:30. You will be given a £25 daily budget for travel reimbursment.

A rough schedule for the week is below:


AM: Introductions and welcomes, icebreaker and meet the mentors

PM: Project Time – get put into groups of 3 to 4 paired with a mentor. Introduced to 

your project and expectations of the week


All Day: This day will consist of mostly project time. Like Monday, working within your teams to produce a slide deck of your analysis from the week


Career’s Day – Mock interviews + interview techniques. Speakers from other government departments. ONS placement student talk


All day: Similar day to Tuesday with speakers / presentations dotted in throughout the day.  


Mini conference day – all groups will present their analysis from the week. Senior civil servant will be in attendance. Invites to be circulated to lecturers from the universities. Optional social afterwards to celebrate achievements from the week

Associated Badges:

In A Nutshell...

  • Gain experience...from the Civil Service and learn how to prepare your applications
  • a team of up to 4 other students on their journey
  • Engage...both in person and online with this week long activity
  • opportunities and skills
  • Earn up to 150 Rise points ... which can be recognised within your degree.


  • call_split 16:00 to 17:00 on 28/02/25
    Expression of Interest Submission Deadline
    Submit the form that can be found here:
  • place 09/06/25 to 13/06/25 - ONS Manchester Office
    ONS Summer School
    Attend summer school experience.