Greener flights – How feasible are bigger aircraft and intermediate stops?
Host academic: Dr Ling Lim
In the first instance, you will learn the main strategies to mitigate environmental impacts from aviation, i.e. technology, operations, sustainable fuel and market-based measures. From these, you will discover the interdependencies between local impacts (noise/air quality) with global impacts (climate).
You will then focus on two specific strategies, i.e. splitting long-haul flights into shorter legs (decrease flights that ‘burn fuel to carry fuel’) and reduce the number of flights by using larger aircraft (increase the use of larger, range-optimised aircraft). The specific task for this is to collate ideas on the potential impacts to stakeholders such as passengers, airlines, airports, etc. The sources for this may include journal/conference publications, industry reports/blogs, engagement with other MMU colleagues and participation in the EU H2020 Clean Sky 2 REIVON project meetings.
Finally, you will summarise these ideas into PPT slides (or another negotiated medium) as an output to your internship. You will be appropriately acknowledged if the material produced is used in any subsequent publications.
In the EOI, please include units taken at MMU thus far and any career aspirations. Also, note that this opportunity will require basic knowledge on environmental concepts such air quality and/or climate.
In A Nutshell...
- Learn... the main measures to mitigate environmental impacts from aviation
- Collate... ideas on potential impacts to stakeholders (passengers, airlines, airports,...)
- Participate... in research project meetings
- Engage... online with EU researchers and where possible, in-person with other MMU researchers
- Earn up to 300 Rise points ... which can be recognised within your degree.
01/07/22 to 31/08/22
Research Internship
10 days of full time work or equivalent (~75 hours). This internship may be extended depending on project supervisor/intern availability. The hours can be spread out over July/August and this can be negotiated at the start of internship.